Bootcamp Right For You
Bootcamp Right For You

“The AI-Powered Marketing booster” Will Show You How to Harness the Power of Artificial Intelligence to Quickly and Easily Enhance Your Marketing Strategies!

Unleash the Power of AI to Transform Your Marketing

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AI Powered Marketing Bootcamp
AI Powered Marketing Bootcamp

A hands-on, live mentorship program for people who want to become or want one of their team members to become an AI-Powered Marketer. Here’s what you’ll receive starting march 28th when the program begins:

Bootcamp Right For You
Bootcamp Right For You

1. You’re looking for a straightforward approach to leveraging AI in your marketing.

2. You’re at a startup, so you don’t have months to spare on building and testing new campaigns.

3. You don’t want to spend five figures on agencies and freelancers that don’t know your business like you do.

4. You find it difficult to determine which AI tools will be most beneficial for your marketing campaigns.

5. You know how impactful AI can be in your marketing, but the constant changes and advancements in technology can be difficult to keep up with.

6. You want to feel energized and inspired by the possibilities that AI offers and to be able to use it to create innovative and effective marketing strategies.

Boostifai Bootcamp Course
Boostifai Bootcamp Course

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, you’ll attend a live training session with the instructor at 2 PM CST. Trainings will be recorded and available for all students that are unable to make the live call immediately after. Each session will mix strategy with execution to give you a clear path to success. Here’s how each week will break down…

1. Introduction: How AI-driven marketing can boost your business and make your life easy

2. AI and marketing strategies - a match made in heaven.

3. AI based customer segmentation and targeting.

4. Using 1I for content generation and optimization.

5. Create on-brand visuals with AI 

6. Understanding SEO - A complete guide

7. Optimizing SEO with AI 

8. Better lead generation and customer acquisition with AI

9. AI in customer journey mapping and user experience

10. AI for social media marketing

11. AI in advertising

12. Understanding data and let data work for you in AI-driven marketing